Taller de Medighee para Chefs
El taller está dirigido a chefs profesionales o a gente que se dedica a la cocina. Aprende la teoría y practica de combinar especies e ingredientes de cocina con el ghee. Te permite incluir este super alimento en la elaboración de menus y platillos. Conoce las propiedades medicinales ademas de nutritivas del ghee.
“Ghee is clarified butter, considered by Indian culture a “food of the gods”, which is not only a healthier alternative to butter but safe even for those who are lactose intolerant. When you combine ghee with medicinal herbs you get what’s called “medicinal ghee” (called “smen mar” in Tibetan), where now the properties of those plants, superfoods, or spices you infused the ghee with will now be made more bioavailable in addition to being driven deeper into the all tissues of the body. In these workshops Will Jackson will teach chefs, new or seasoned herbalists, and spiritual practitioners how to make not only their own medicinal ghee, but a culinary ghee - organic, fresh, and mantrified.”
Will Jackson III has over 20 years experience in Holistic Medicine. He has studied Ayurveda at the California College of Ayurveda (2005), the next year receiving recognition from UCLA as a presenter on Ayurvedic medicine at the university’s first all-staff Health Fair (2006). He is a graduate of Dancing Shiva’s Yoga & Ayurveda course (2017), has apprenticed in Chinese Herbalism (Dragon Herbs, 2002), and incorporates plants and herbs from Tibetan, Chinese, Amazonian, Western, and African systems of medicine into his practice as part of a holistic multi-cultural approach to healing, wellness, and transformation. Furthermore, Will’s practice and its biospiritual perspective utilizes tools such as African-American Hoodoo Rootwork, Tibetan mantra healing (Yuthok Nyingthik), and Feng Shui (I Ching Tradition + Xuan Kong). Will works out of a medical office called “Leimert Wellness” in the historically black-American neighborhood of Leimert Park (Los Angeles).